Rangeland Improvement
Loan Program
The Rangeland Improvement Loan Program (RILP) was initiated in 1979 as part of the Montana Rangeland Resource Program. The RILP provides low-interest loans to Montana’s farmers and ranchers; loans are annual installment and have a 10-year maximum repayment period to assist with improving and developing rangelands in Montana.

RILP By the Numbers
Loans Funded
Total Amount
of Loans
Total Paid Back
Eligibility and Application Information
Eligible Applicants:
Any person may apply for a loan for rangeland improvements on land that will be constructed, developed, and operated in Montana. If the person is a resident of Montana, is engaged in farming or ranching, and possesses the necessary expertise to make the loan practical.
Eligible Projects:
Example projects include:
Stock water development (tanks)
Cross fencing
Establishment of grazing methods/programs
Mechanical restoration
Weed management
Other projects that are considered a range improvement
Funding Information:
Current interest rate = 3.5%
Maximum loan amount = $100,000
Repayment is scheduled for a maximum of ten years with annual installments
How to Apply:
The RILP application consists of (3) sections: conservation plan, environmental impacts, and financial information. Applicants must work with their local conservation district to prepare the conservation plan portion of the application--this is the only section of the application that the conservation district reviews; once the conservation plan is reviewed the entire application packet is forwarded to the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC), and then to the Rangeland Resource Committee. The Director of DNRC has final approval authority.
Loan applications are accepted by the DNRC at any time of the year.